To stay updated on all our classes and programs, please join our email list by clicking HERE.
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A weekday morning text-based chaburah for women
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MONDAYS: Rabbi Musicante - MICHTAV M'ELIYAHU: Thought and Perspective of Rav Eliyahu Dessler
TUESDAYS: TIMELY TOPICS IN HALACHA led by Rabbi Yitzchak Mandel and Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman
WEDNESDAYS: Rabbi Sussman – YESODEI HATORAH: Talmud Skills Building Class
THURSDAYS:Rabbi Grossman - PARASHAS HASHAVUA: Pshat, Halachah, and Hashkafah
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MONDAYS: SEMICHAS CHAVER PROGRAM (8:45pm) Click HERE to learn more.
WEDNESDAYS: Rabbi Grossman – READING RESPONSA: Approaching Torah and Jewish heritage through the responsa literature. On Zoom
THURSDAYS: Rabbi Sussman – YESODEI HATORAH: Broaden and enhance the Talmud skills necessary for independent study. On Zoom. Rabbi Shaps – ON THE SAME PAGE: Study an Amud (Page) a week of Gemara with others across the community! In-person Click HERE to learn more.
For WOMEN: TUESDAYS Mrs. Sara Malka Winter – Inspired Tefillah: An in-depth exploration of the Shemoneh Esrei - Zoom Link: Password: Winter
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Join Rabbi Grossman for an in-depth weekly exploration of a theme associated with the upcoming week's parashah. The subjects are varied, including halachic, theological, and philosophical, and the intersection of these disciplines as they relate to Biblical exegesis. The Zoom link can be found on the homepage.
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Study Judaism with your own private teacher! For free! Click HERE to learn more.
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On the Same Page: Study an Amud (page) of Gemara each week with others across the community. Learning options that fit YOUR lifestyle. Now learning Maseches Kiddushin. Click HERE to learn more.
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Join the fastest growing Halacha learning program in the world! Click HERE to learn more.
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Join Mrs. Sara Malka Winter for an in-depth study of Sefer Bereishis. Zoom Link: Password: Winter
An in-depth exploration of the Shemoneh Esrei - Zoom Link: Password: Winter
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Master the skills to study the Talmud yourself!
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Click HERE to join our email list!